Excerpts from the letters exchanged between Bec and Ruben's parents:

From Bec's to Ruben's: May, 25th 2011

Dear Gracie and Jesse-

It is with excitement and joy that Gary and I tell you how happy we are that Bec and Ruben are getting married. It has been our dream that she would find a relationship of beauty and love. We both feel so blessed to have Ruben as our son-in-law and Bec's husband to be. Since first meeting him we have held him in high honor and love...

You have given us a part of a wonderful man that you have raised with such great qualities. His kind and caring nature is so evident in all that he says and does. His respect for his family is an honor and blessing to everyone around him. His love for Bec is very evident. We deeply support and cherish that love he has for her. We feel so blessed knowing that Bec has found such an honorable man, from an honorable and beautiful family that will care and love our daughter.

We are excited about the wedding and have an opportunity for our families to get to know each other. We just got the date so now we can do some serious planning. But before we even plan, all I can say is... "Wow! what a wedding!" Our family has always said, "When Bec gets married it will be to someone very special and the wedding itself will be something we never expected." As Ruben says, "it will continue to unfold and there will be many surprises." We have already seen things "unfold" and we are already "surprised". I am sure it is just the beginning of much more to come.

God bless you...will see you in September.

Love, Gary and Kathy

... And then the one from Ruben's parents to Bec's:

June 22, 2011

Dear Kathy & Gary,

We were so happy to get such a beautiful letter from you, and to hear how much you love our son. We feel the same way about Bec.

The first time Ruben brought Bec to our house, I opened the door and there she was smiling with a flowering plant in her hands. The day they told us they were getting married was a very happy day for us.  I told her that we knew when Ruben got married, his wife would have to be a very special girl and we found her the day I opened the door and saw Bec for the first time.  Both of our children were sent to us from heaven with God smiling.

We love Bec very much. Thank God for bringing her into this world and thank you for raising her so well. She has a good heart and a glowing personality. We enjoy every minute we get to spend with them when they come and visit us. We can hardly wait for the wedding when we all can be together as a family. It will be even more delightful with all the talented artists that are involved in making this wedding.  Our family is all very excited to meet the rest of your family. It will be a lot of fun, love, laughter, toasting and dancing. That day we will all have a new family come into our lives’s.

God bless you and your family See you soon Love, Gracie & Jess