Olivia Primé will be designing/illustrating the program for the ceremony. She'll be given all the relevant information and be requested to put forth that information in a clear way for each guest as a guide to the ceremony.
Progress as of July (combined with Skip since they live together and it was one big meeting):
Bec, Ruben, Tif and I had the pleasure of visiting Skip Arnold and Olivia Prime (a married couple as it so happens) in their studio recently to check in on the progress of their pieces. Skip will make a work based on the tradition of throwing rice as the couple leave the ceremony. Olivia will be making the program. We're not going to spoil any surprises here, but we will confess our excitement for the ideas they've been brewing. I will however tell you that Skip had originally proposed a very romantic, somewhat uncharacteristic piece wherein the bride and groom leaving the ceremony would break through a thin sheet of water barracading the exit. Their exit would be filmed and the slow motion moment of breakage would be the piece. I loved it...fairly shivered with delight, but after talking it through with Bec and Ruben after he'd proposed an alternate idea, we decided to go with the latter, since it is more Skip-like, and I want the works to reflect their makers. Olivia will be making an interactive program - one in which each program will be like a single cell in a beehive, and as guests arrive and take their own proam, the structure will change, shrink and disassemble. It's brilliant. Thanks Skip and Olivia for the invitation to a lively cocktail hour in your studio.
Olivia got her BFA in 2007 and then MFA in 2009 at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts Paris-Cergy in 2009
2007 Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts: Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts Paris-Cergy, Paris
click here for her website
"Lipstick" 2008, photographic document of an action
Merci" 2008, 3 identical sculptures, 10x15cm (3.9x5.9in), resin / plastic
"I built several tiny boxes, each containing miniatures of a birthday cake, a present, a small bag with heart-shaped confetti and a candle, and made them available to the operators of a giant call center in Paris."