Just to remind you, Bec actually proposed to Ruben in order to qualify for Get Hubbied. This video, filmed and scored by Tif Sigfrids, is a romantic recreation for Get Hubbied of their engagement, which they both had in mind, so it made sense that it be a co-proposal.
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- The trio, 'The Boyfriend,' Chris Kuhrt, Stephen Schilling & Mark Simon
- Joshua Callaghan
- Cal Clements
- Gerald Davis
- Abel Baker Gutierrez
- Roger Herman
- Bettina Hubby
- Samo Hurt (AKA David G.A. Stephenson) - ballad for Bec and Ruben
- Tyler Hubby
- Christopher James
- David Jones & Kelly Marie Martin
- Kahn & Selesnick
- Daveed Kapoor and Alison Kudlow -Yichud
- Kate Mayfield & Ade Ratna
- Karen Lofgren
- Miguel Nelson
- Michele O'Marah
- Terri Phillips
- Olivia Primé
- Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs
- Ed Ruscha
- Tif Sigfrids
- Mike Slack
- Joe Sola
- George Stoll
- William Stone
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