Patience is golden

I'm pleased to announce that my commitment to waiting for this project to bear fruit in the best of ways is seeing some full-fledged fruit. Its been incubating, but not passively. I've been working behind the scenes non-stop on interviews, editing, and outreach for potential venues, sponsorship/underwriting etc.

There is activity, not just on the creative front: We have finished editing new interview videos and so many others to edit and post forthcoming. There may be a potent opportunity that will propel the project to a bigger audience. The couples in this second round are being let go, in order to get a wider field of play in regards to venue, exposure and resources. It will take more time, more so than any other project thus far, but worth the wait.

I am also going to activate this blog daily-ish. (ack - the word gives me hives, but I get it: it does give any interested parties more frequent updates and thoughts without me having to be up in your/their grill). So, bookmark it and check in. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, constructive criticism, and by all means and especially: praise, send them/it my way.

Posted by hubbyco on 9/27/10 in From Hubby | Permalink