• Patience is golden

    I'm pleased to announce that my commitment to waiting for this project to bear fruit in the best of ways is seeing some full-fledged fruit. Its been incubating, but not passively. I've been working behind the scenes non-stop on interviews, editing, and outreach for potential venues, sponsorship/underwriting etc.

    There is activity, not just on the creative front: We have finished editing new interview videos and so many others to edit and post forthcoming. There may be a potent opportunity that will propel the project to a bigger audience. The couples in this second round are being let go, in order to get a wider field of play in regards to venue, exposure and resources. It will take more time, more so than any other project thus far, but worth the wait.

    I am also going to activate this blog daily-ish. (ack - the word gives me hives, but I get it: it does give any interested parties more frequent updates and thoughts without me having to be up in your/their grill). So, bookmark it and check in. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, constructive criticism, and by all means and especially: praise, send them/it my way.

    Posted by hubbyco on 9/27/10 in From Hubby | Permalink
  • Interview - Dave Jones

    Interviewing a close friend about things you’ve never really spoken about so deeply is such a pleasant revelatory experience. And though we have spoken of relationships, marriage, Prop. 8, etc., and to be sure Dave and I talk of other things that some would blush at, but it is different to talk of a topic while holding a camera. It changes the dynamic from friends conversing into a serious study of a topic.

    "I (personally) think marriage is a completely outmoded institution... an institution that has a whole lot of baggage. Perhaps gay people can do something to diversify that institution, maybe change it up a little and that could influence more traditional marriages. The bottom line is, there are civil rights, minority rights and gender rights, and you can’t hold back one group. Things have to go forward. Everything else has gone forward... that this (the right for gays to marry) keeps getting stopped in its tracks, is a real problem."

    Posted by hubbyco on 9/10/10 | Permalink