Brainstorming mtg

Today I'm meeting with Rose Apodaca (a dynamo with the generosity of a saint who has been helping me all along with PR) to get all our eggs in a row to present Get Hubbied to a few people. This means tweaking the press release, getting a presentation together and all that I am not so fond of, but needed to get the word spread and hopeful support. I don't want the couple chosen to have to pay for everything, and I want them to be able to keep the artwork made especially for them. Nothing else makes sense to me. This is what has prohibited me from going ahead with a couple who have already applied. I have a couple I really like and could (and almost did) forge ahead, but I suppose I should hold out to see if these avenues of potential backing come through - to become the yellow brick road to fruition. This brainchild needs to be born.

Oct. 5, 2010

Posted by hubbyco on 10/05/10 in From Hubby | Permalink