Interview with Kirsten and Matt
I met Matt and Kirsten Hudson at a wedding for Zoe Crosher, an artist friend of mine. They were the surprise conversation of my night, and I was compelled by their story enough to pursue an interview. They met on and are now expecting their first child. She is a whiz of a cook, and over dinner I was treated to a lesson on how to create a compelling online dating profile. They both had sensible tips as to how to present oneself in the best possible way when foraging that virtual meeting arena.
"There are very few things you can do in life where you can call something into being just with words. Of life’s big things, there are things that happen to you like deaths or births, moves or career changes or meeting somebody… some are biological and some are circumstantial, but as far as I know marriage and divorce are the two things you can do in which you decide to call something into being. With these words we go from being individuals to being a married unit….two people who are still individuals, but now there's this other thing that exists." ~Kirsten
"I went from being someone who was totally opposed to marriage, to thinking, Oh no, it wouldn't be enough NOT to be married." ~Matt