Kate and Gordon interview - Applicants
Kate (30-something) and Gordon (ditto) are friends of mine, but as luck would have it, also like the idea of Get Hubbied enough to apply. Their application reads like a good short story, and well it should since Kate is a writer/editor/designer etc etc. Ultimately it would have felt like cheating to have chosen them to be the couple since they are close friends, but it was a bittersweet decision since I know it would have been joyous and meaningful for all our families in our continuing enriching friendship history. They are now raising their charming son Grover and have started a creatively thriving business together, an artist’s foundary: www.artsrefoundary.com
This statement struck me as the root of their collective sentiment on marriage:
“The best part of a lifetime partnership is what isn't expected. It is losing your selfishness and embracing the life of someone who has somehow become just as important as you. We are building something big and wonderful together - and even though it isn't necessarily clear what that thing is, it is exciting and special and it would be impossible to do without each other. We think of our lives together as a creative project, always leading us into new places - working together to make our lives as beautiful and special as they can be. It is our hope that this project will continue throughout our lives.”
I am going to shamefully/shamelessly toot my horn via their words:
“We think that not only is Bettina Hubby a unique and wonderful artist in her own right, but that she also has a special gift for finding and encouraging artists with special points of view and abilities of expression. We are less interested in the individual artists than the collective result of their collaboration. What is most interesting to us about this project is watching (and perhaps participating in) a great experiment of artists delving into and exploring the roots, meanings and expressions of the cultural institution of marriage. The result can be nothing less than exciting. And what better way to mark what we hope to be a lifelong partnership of creating and building a life unlike any other, than by allowing a group of artists to bring their own inspiration and expression to a one-of-a-kind, once ever moment about our lifelong project?”