Richard and Bevy - Applicants

Richard Allan Aptekar (68) and Bevy Jeanne Travlos (61) applied today, and are unable to have an interview since they live out of town. I'd like to quote their application and wish them the best of togetherness - a unique pair to be sure!

“We both look and act 20 years younger than our actual ages. We met at Bevy's former office, at a business networking group session, 'Entrepreneurs In Action'. Richard is a property manager/entertainer/writer/wedding officiant. Bevy is a marketing consultant/jewelry designer. While we've both been married twice, we never say 'never again'. We both love and LIKE each other and we're still debating whether we should 'get married', so the determination of a lifetime partnership is still up in the air. Personally, I (Richard) love ceremonies that are totally unique, individual. I perform a lot (30+ each year; 20 years) As artists ourselves, we love the creative process and its results. It would be wonderful to have other artists interpret our ceremony.”

Richard's website:

Posted by hubbyco on 2/11/10 in From Hubby | Permalink