Center for the Arts, Eagle Rock

My pal Karen Lofgren was the first person to get back to my Facebook siren's song re: the venue search. She's indefatigably helpful. and aside from my admiration for her team player countenance, I'm a big fan of her work (she's in the project too: cake). Her suggestion was to approach the CAFER - she is their grant writer. Before I revved up to contact them, she'd already talked me up and took the temperature of their interest, which was more than warm.

I arrived to 'pitch' the possibility of housing Get Hubbied at the Center. As soon as I sat down with Julia Salazar, the Exectutive Director and Renee Dominique, the Director of Development, I saw on the wall one of my fire hydrant posters I'd sent to Renee a coon's age ago. She'd actually framed it! It is quite large, so that is a commitment. This was a great start to the mtg.

I got lots of information across that for an organized mind would be possible to rearrange into some semblance of sense, though I was less than organized. I must not have been all that bad, since they put up with me for an hour and a 1/2, bless them.

They offered the space right there and then. Their enthusiasm was palpable. They want to have the wedding there and post wedding, a month long exhibition of all the artists' works - and if that weren't enough, even to help me raise some of the very needed funds to make it all happen. Now, to talk to Jon and Liz, have them visit and then come to a decision together - after all, its a collaboration, and their wedding. I drove full of verve straight home and then straight out to the post office and sent them 5 more CoTour catalogues, which they’d loved so much and each wanted one.

Here are a few pics of the visit: Renee, Julia, and click here for their current exhibition.

Posted by hubbyco on 12/14/10 | Permalink