Big generosity from Ben Guzman of Eastside Brewers

Ben Guzman, and the micro-brewery Eastside Brewers he's raised from the ground up, yet another triumphant project he’s delved, has offered to donate beer for the wedding. I'm not a big beer drinker, or do I feign any knowledge of beer brewing, but listening to him talk about his growing business, the passion for it, and the nuances of it, had me hankering for the tasting he's invited Jon, Liz and I to in January. His generosity is so appreciated. I will do all I can to promote his business, as he has aided in mine.

Below is an image from an informal tasting of a sampling of his brew. And second is a picture of him taken from another project of mine he graciously participated in, The CoTour in 2008. He's also a talented musician and sang in the a capella performance at Barnsdal Park, co-composed by his wife, Kelly Martin, and another great friend, Dave Jones. He is also featured in the interview section of this book with Kelly regarding their marriage.

Posted by hubbyco on 12/06/10 in From Hubby | Permalink